Pharm Assess

Doing More for Our Clients
Vendor Summary

Our Goal is to help our clients achieve the highest level of business success through profitable outcomes or cost containment.

This can be achieved through an expansive business plan that keeps a close watch on every aspect of the business operation. Pharm Assess is a pharmacy assessment consulting company which promotes a realistic approach to managing the weighted areas of businesses involved within the pharmacy industry.We are a pharmacist-owned and -operated company with over 25 years of combined experience within all spectrum's of pharmacy.


We provide services designed to retain acceptable gross margins for our clients as well as assist them to navigate through the challenges our industry faces. We can also provide assistance for pharmacy owners exploring their options regarding the acquisition or selling of pharmacies. We work closely with a mergers and acquisition advisory firm that specializes in pharmacy transactions. Our focus is on representing your best interest.

Product & Services


Accounting & Financing, Claim Assistance, Consulting, Insurance, Reporting

Pharm Assess – RBS Credentialing

Credentialing Account Management Services
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RBS Credentialin: Let a dedicated Credentialing Account Manager take the credentialing burden off your pharmacy!

RBS Credentialing provides a customizable, comprehensive pharmacy and employee policy and procedure manual (includes FWA, HIPAA, Continuous Quality Improvement language, etc.) as well as FWA and HIPAA training programs accompanied with tests and individual employee certificates. Additionally, we track all employees to ensure your pharmacy is 100% compliant, including checking all pharmacy staff against the OIG, GSA and State Exclusion lists. We provide comprehensive audit assistance in the event you are audited by a PBM.

Pharm Assess – Retail Business Solution (RBS)

Financial Management Services
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Pharm AssessRBS: Our goal is to assist independent retail pharmacy owners in achieving the highest level of business success.

We bring you a comprehensive Retail Business Solution (RBS) designed to make and save you money. Our knowledgeable and experienced staff will assist you in your pharmacy’s operations. We do this by providing financial reporting and 340B profitability and modeling, managing compliance with the pharmacy and staff credentialing, third party payer audit assistance, third party payer contract assistance with all payers, cash prescription pricing program and reconciliation. We also provide access to ancillary services at no additional charge (i.e.: Amplicare Match, Blood Pressure Kiosk, and much more)!

Pharm Assess – 340B Profitability & Modeling

Profitability Support Services
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Pharm AssessRBS 340B Profitability & Modeling: We assist your pharmacy in all aspects of 340B financial analysis.

We are able to analyze and recommend appropriate fill fees for your program whether you’re considering participating in 340B, OR you need help analyzing your active 340B program. We have successfully helped our clients attain profitability; up to and including negotiating with your 340B administrators!

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