PioneerRx’s pharmacy software makes pseudoephedrine purchase tracking simpler with its direct integration with NPLEx.

Rather than exiting the software to check the PSE sales database, PioneerRx users may scan the customer’s driver’s license to verify their purchase history.

Alex Endo, pharmacist at Cleveland Medicine Shoppe in Cleveland, TN, appreciates the ease of use that the PioneerRx pharmacy technology offers, especially when managing the PSE drug sales.

“We weren’t even selling pseudoephedrine-based products because, prior to converting to PioneerRx, we didn’t have a point-of-sale. Everything had to be manually entered, which made PSE tracking difficult,” Alex reflects. “We went from not offering PSE medications to being able to serve our patients who are looking for this type of OTC drug. Having the integration with the NPLEx database makes it pretty simple to double-check the limits and look up new customers.”
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